Abstract Submission

The organizing committee welcomes the submission of abstracts to be presented as oral, flash oral or poster presentations during the EuSP2024 and GSAC2024 Conferences.

To prepare an abstract for EuSP2024 or GSAC2024, download and fill out the Abstract template. The guidelines for preparing your abstract are included in the template.  Please note that the use of this template file is obligatory and that the total length of each Abstract cannot exceed one page

All conference abstracts must be submitted via the online submission system. Detailed instructions on the submission steps follow, and can be also found here. Each presenting author can submit up to two abstracts. During submission, please select one Primary Subject Area (Primary Topic) and two optional Secondary Subject Areas (Secondary Topics). The topics for EuSP2024 and GSAC2024 can be found here. Please note that the “Green Sample Preparation” topic is common to both events, and related abstracts can be submitted either through the EuPS2024 or GSAC2024 tracks. 

The topics for EuSP2024 and GSAC2024 can be found here.

The instructions for submission follow and a detailed version can be found here.


Deadline for Oral Presentations: Monday, 22 April 2024 29 April 2024

Deadline for Poster Presentations to be included in the Book of Abstracts: Monday, 10 June 2024 08 July 2024

For any additional information please contact the secretariat at eusp-gsac2024<at>tuc.gr

General considerations

  • The presenting author (oral or poster) must be registered. FOLLOW THIS LINK TO REGISTER.
  • Each presenting author can only be listed in a maximum of two abstracts (one oral and one poster presentation, one flash oral and one poster presentation or two poster presentations).
  • The presenting author should appear as the First Author.
  • Prepare the abstract using the obligatory structure of the template.
  • Abstracts cannot exceed one page, must be a .doc or .docx file and have a max size of 10 Mb.
  • The abstract’s file name should contain important information like presenting author’s surname, conference to be presented and type of presentation.
  • Green Sample Preparation is a common topic for EuSP2024 and GSAC2024 and can be submitted by using either track in the on-line submission system.
  • Authors can select one Primary Subject Area and two optional Secondary Subject Areas.

Instructions for submission through the online system

Detailed instructions on the steps to follow can be found here.


STEP 1. Access the Abstract Submission Platform

Users can access the Abstract Submission Platform by using clicking here.

If you have an account, enter your credentials to access the site at log in. If you do not have an account, please visit this link for detailed instructions on how to register in the platform.


STEP 2. Search for EuSP2024|GSAC2024 in the submission platform

Once logged in, click on “All Conferences” to search for Once logged in, click on “All Conferences” to search for “3rd European Sample  Preparation | 2nd Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry”.

Use the filter field in the upper right to search for the Conference you need. Type “European Sample Preparation” to find EuSP2024 | GSAC2024 conferences. Once you find the Conference, click on the Conference Name link.


STEP 3. Create new submission

Once the Author Console page appears. Click on the “+ Create new submission” button. Select the conference (EuSP2024 or GSAC2024) you want to submit your abstract. 

In the Create New Submission all fields are required and marked with an <*> asterisk.

Title: The Title field is for the title of the paper.

Authors: The Author section is prepopulated with your profile information and you are preselected as the Primary Contact. To add a co-author, enter the co-author’s email address into the field and click add. To add a new user, please enter information below and click Add Button. If the co-author is already a user, the co-author will be added to the end of the Author list. If the co-author is not a user, you will see “User was not found”. Enter the co-author’s first and last names along with the Organization to which they belongs and the Country/Region where they reside. Then click the Add button.

  • IMPORTANT: Adding an unregistered email (an email that is not a valid account in CMT) as a co-author will not add the user to the conference; it only acts as a placeholder in the submission for the co-author. The co-auther is required to register their email in CMT.

You may change the Primary Contact to the co-author by clicking Primary Contact radio button in co-author’s row. The ‘X’ and ‘arrow’ icons on the end of the rows are there so you may delete the entry and/or move it up in hierarchy.

Subject Areas: Authors can select one Primary Subject Area and two optional Secondary Subject Areas. The organizing committee reserves the right to decide on a final topic assignment upon abstract evaluation.

File: To upload file for your paper, drag and drop the file into the dotted region or click the “Upload from Computer” button.

  • IMPORTANT: Please note that the uploaded file must be .doc. or docx and have a max. size of 10 Mb max size. Uploaded file will not be saved unless the Submit button at the bottom of the form is clicked. It is also important to note that no files uploaded will be saved unless the Submit button is clicked.

Additional Questions: The type of presentation (oral, flash or poster) is to be selected here.

To Submit your abstract, click the corresponding button. If not use cancel.

  • IMPORTANTIt is important to note that no file uploaded will be saved unless the Submit button is clicked.


Special issue "EuSP2024|GSAC2024" in Advances in Sample Preparation, Elsevier (IF=5.2)

To celebrate the 3rd European Sample Preparation Conference (EuSP2024) and the 2nd Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry Conference (GSAC2024), we have created a Special Issue “EuSP2024|GSAC2024: Advances in sample preparation and green analytical chemistry” that will collect high-quality manuscripts presented at the joint conferences. The Special Issue will appear in the Elsevier journal Advances in Sample Preparation, directly associated with our EuChemS-DAC Sample Preparation Study Group and Network. Advances in Sample Preparation was recently awarded an Impact Factor of 5.2 (IF=5.2) from Clarivate Analytics in the 2024 Journal Citation Reports (JCR 2024) and was ranked as a Q1 Journal.

Submissions for the special issue is open, and the manuscript submission deadline is 1st December 2024 with the tentative publication date of the special issue in March 2024. A full fee waiver is granted for our participants and the open access feature of our journal will make this special issue freely available to the public, accessible to readers without subscriptions. The accepted papers will be published online as soon as they have successfully passed the peer-review process.

Submissions to the Special Issue must be done through the Elsevier Editorial Manager online reviewing system on: https://www.editorialmanager.com/sampre/default.aspx

More information on the guidelines for preparing manuscripts and the submission process can be found at: www.sciencedirect.com/journal/advances-in-sample-preparation/publish/guide-for-authors