Two free workshops open to all registered participants

AI Tools for Publishing and Research

Date: 16th September 2024

Time: 13:50-14:20

Location: Mikis Theodorakis Theater hall

Free workshop sponsored by Chemistry Europe, open to all registered participants of EuSP2024|GSAC2024. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools are becoming more popular and increasingly easy to use today. This talk provides editorial insights on the most common tools that scientists might find helpful in preparing their manuscripts and organizing their research output. We'll also cover the basic issues on limitations, ownership, confidentiality, accuracy, and disclosure when it comes to such AI tools. At the end, attendees will be able to understand the pros and cons of such tools and best practices in using them.

Instructor: David Peralta, Editor, Wiley-VCH

More information here

Supporting young researchers in their publishing careers: Author and reviewer workshop

Date: 17th September 2024

Time: 16:20-17:00

Location: Mikis Theodorakis Theater hall

Free workshop sponsored by Elsevier, open to all registered participants of EuSP2024|GSAC2024. In order to support young researchers and make the road to publication a bit smoother, this workshop offers advice and information on how to write a manuscript, the submission procedures, publication ethics, peer review and many other topics. The workshop is open to all registered participants of EuSP2024|GSAC2024.

Instructor: Rob van Daalen, Journal Manager, Elsevier

More information here